Home > Company Directory > ADDCON GROUP GmbH
Contact Details
  • Company Name
  • Contact Person
  • Mr. Kurt Wegleitner
  • Telephone
  • 49 - 228 - 9191036
  • Fax
  • 49 - 228 - 9191060
  • Email
  • info@addcon.com
  • Street Address
  • Kaiserstraße 1a
  • Town/City
  • Bonn
  • Country/Location
  • Germany
  • Postal Code
  • 53113
  • Website
  • http://www.addcon.com

ADDCON is specialized in "green chemistry". In its production sites in Bitterfeld/Germany and in Porsgrunn/ Norway ADDCON adds value to organic acids and the respective salts.

For the feed and farming industry ADDCON produces silage additives, feed additives, preservatives and also a range of products for the booming aquaculture industry.

Especially the products which are based on the patented double salt=diformate technology have got a lot of attention lately. Get more information on FORMI, FORMI NDF and AQUAFORM through Addcon´s technical information. Simple click on www.addcon.com and register for the newsletter!

Company Profile
  • Company Name :
  • Business Type :
  • Feed Supplement Supplier
  • Product/Services :
  • Feed supplement products
  • Company Website :
  • http://www.addcon.com
  • Main Markets :
  • Africa
    Australia and the Pacific
    South America
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