Product Name : Sacox 120 microGranulate
Unit Size : 25 kg
Packaging Type : 25 kg PE-lined multi-layer paper bags
Product Origin : Bulgaria
SACOX® 120 microGranulate
(salinomycin sodium)
Sacox 120 microGranulate
Salinomycin sodium 120 g
Excipients up to 1 kg
The biological activity of Sacox is due to its ability to form complexes with cations, particularly its ability to transport potassium ions into and out of the cell. The salinomycin molecule encloses the cation in a hallow-ball configuration, immobilizing the central ion with secondary valence bonds.
Outside the complex there are largely neutral, lipophilic hydrocarbon groups, which give the complex the ability to penetrate into the living cells. Because of the loose complex formulation with the cation, salinomycin can function as an ion carrier and can transport cations, particularly potassium, ions, into and out of the cell. The resulting disturbance in the parasite's intercellular ion concentration explains the coccidiocidal activity. During asexual development of the coccidia, Sacox has a coccidiocidal effect on sporozoties and merozoties. Subsequent development of schizonts is also severely impaired; thus, the damage to the intestine is reduced to an absolute minimum.
For the prophylactic control of the coccidial species E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. necatrix, E. mivati, E. tenella and E. brunetti affecting chickens for fattening and chickens reared for laying. It is also applied for prevention of coccidiosis in rabbits for fattening caused by E. coecicola, E. perforans, E. media, E. irresidua, E. magna, E. piriformis, E. intestinalis, E. flavescens, E. stiedai.
Equines must not be allowed to gain access to feed containing salinomycin; ingestion of salinomycin by equines has proved fatal. Not to be used in feeds containing any other anticoccidial.
Orally, well homogenized into feed. In order to reach uniform homogenization with feed, it is recommended to mix the measured quantity of the preparation (calculated on the basis of the prescribed dose) on stages in the following order:
up to 10 kg feed; up to 100 kg feed; and up to 1000 kg complete feed.)
Chickens for fattening, chickens reared for laying and rabbits for fattening.
None under correct use of the product.
Five (5) days.
In the original packing, well closed, in dry and well-ventilated facilities, protected from direct sunlight at temperature between 15°and 25°C.
Two (2) years from the date of manufacture.