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  • AB Enzymes GmbH Singapore Branch
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  • 65 - 66310820
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  • 65 - 66310828
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  • Singapore
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  • Singapore
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  • 609927
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  • No25 International Business Park, Unit 04-01 German Centre
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  • http://www.abenzymes.com
Product Description
Product Name : ECONASE®
Unit Size : 15 kg
Packaging Type : 15 Kg PE Bag
Product Origin : Finland
AB Enzymes offers the essential enzymes for animal nutrition – NSP- degrading enzymes in the ECONASE® product line and enzymes which liberate inorganic phosphate from phytate in the FINASE® products. The development and production of our enzymes for animal feeding focus on the safety, efficacy in the animal and the technical applicability in premixes and feed.

All enzyme products for animal nutrition – ECONASE® and FINASE® – are available as microgranulated and liquid formulation.

You will find more information on the following pages about the use of enzymes for feed and about the ECONASE® and FINASE® products of AB Enzymes.

Enzymes for Animal Nutrition, Benefit for the Environment and Consumers

The application of enzymes in animal nutrition is becoming increasingly important in terms of nutrient utilization and waste management. Enzymes hydrolase complex molecules such as non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) and phytates, into smaller units, thus enabling the animal to utilize the feed optimally.

So-called monogastric animals like pigs or poultry do not have their own enzymes to utilize specific substances such as non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) and phytates. Therefore, part of the feed is normally not digested. Such undigested constituents pass through the intestinal tract and thus can be an additional burden on the environment, especially in densely farmed areas.

To solve this problem, enzymes of microbial origin are added to feed. These enzymes perform the processes which the animals are unable to perform themselves, or they have a supportive effect. This benefit in particular can be demonstrated in young animals

The targeted use of enzymes can improve weight gain in animals and feed conversion rate and allow more flexibility in diet composition. This means higher efficiency for the agricultural economist of the resources he exploys and thus also contributes to attractive prices for the consumer.

ECONASE® NSP degrading Enzymes improve nutrient availability

Depending on feed composition, an essential nutrient element can be bound or embedded in non-starch polysaccharides (NSP, for example xylans or beta-glucans) . Because monogastric animals ca not produce NSP degrading enzymes nutrients are accessible only to a limited extent. Enzymes added to feed which hydrolase NSP (e.g. endo-xylanases and beta-glucanases) help to break down the cellular feed matrix in such a way that nutrients are released and can be further processed by the body's own enzymes. Negative influences such as e.g. increased viscosity produced in intestinal content, in particular by soluble xylane and soluble beta-glucans, are reduced by the relevant enzymes. ECONASE® products from AB Enzymes make this possible.

The individual ECONASE® products are distinguished by the percentage of enzymes important for different diet compositions . This means our enzymes can be matched specifically and flexibly to the feed composition.

The key enzyme activitiy endo-xylanase contained in ECONASE® Wheat Plus and ECONASE® HC enables effectively the breakdown of cell wall structures containing arabinoxylans. These are found primarily in wheat, rye and triticale and in many by-products generated from processing these grains. Other minor activities like beta –glucananse are included in the products for optimal NSP –degradation of the grains mentioned.

Our ECONASE® Wheat offers a balanced mixture of xylanase and beta-glucanase which is used in diets with a significant percentage of xylans and beta-glucans. ECONASE® Wheat has produced good results in feed comprising a mixture of wheat ( rye/triticale ) and barley in several comparative tests. It can also be used in feed which contains rye or triticale.

The beta-glucanase contained in ECONASE® Barley products degrade beta-glucans which are mainly found in barley and oats. ECONASE® Barley P 700 and ECONASE® BG 300 are suitable for feed with a high percentage of barley or oats.
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